sE Electronics sE2200
sE Electronics sE2200
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Given the revered status of its predecessors, sE has remained true to the original capsule design, custom-built transformer and class-A circuit topologies, so it’s still the same condenser microphone loved by a whole generation of engineers.
State-of-the-art components and a shorter, optimized signal path provide even better noise performance & clarity, new pad & filter options increase its versatility, and the fit & finish has been updated with sE’s latest manufacturing techniques - but the sE2200 retains all the classic sound of the original.
Although the sE2200 is a cardioid-only microphone, two (instead of one) gold-sputtered diaphragms are used to ensure best possible acoustic performance. Built like the world’s finest musical instruments, every capsule is hand-crafted and individually tuned in our very own factory in Shanghai - and unlike other microphones with backplate or electret designs, the sE2200 features a true externally polarized condenser capsule, and therefore delivers the best possible performance in every aspect.